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Yes, Freebies are Real! If you tell someone that something is free, they immediately start looking for the catch. After all, the words of wisdom “there is no such thing as a free lunch” have usually been proven true for people time and again throughout life, and so a healthy cynicism towards free stuff usually springs up with good reason. If you are one of these skeptical types, however, you may be missing out on some really great stuff. The truth is that you CAN get free things that are really and truly free, and yes, actually worth having. You just have to know where to look. OK, here is where the caveat comes in. The definition of “free” often depends on the definition of “cost.” As any economist can tell you, cost really doesn’t only come down to how much money you have to hand over to get something. There are additional costs, like inconvenience and time spent doing something. And true, some freebies have these “non monetary” kinds of costs associated with them. You have to balance all of the costs with the value of the free stuff you are getting and decide if it is worth it to you. The two biggest costs associated with freebies? Time and convenience are at the top of the list. Time is a big factor in many free offers. Companies want a bit of your time in exchange for their free products. Indeed, some companies literally want hours of your time. Have you ever taken advantage of one of those “free weekend vacation” offers in which you received free accommodation in a beach house or condo for a weekend in exchange for suffering through a long presentation and intense sales pitch? For some people, they can handle the presentation and have no qualms about refusing to buy anything and the free vacation more than makes up for it. Other people would rather pay any price to avoid having to listen to one of these spiels. So, while these weekends are freebies, for some people, they cost too much. More often, a company wants your time in a less obvious way – they want you to spend time filling out forms. These forms may simply be your name, address and email address, or they may be very lengthy, quizzing you about buying habits and the like. The reason the companies want you to do these forms is often for market research, and they are more than happy to give you a freebie in exchange for this. Many people find the time spent filling out these forms will worth it to get a great free product. Convenience is the other cost involved with many freebies. Time and convenience go hand in hand in some cases – after all, it may not be especially convenient to fill out form after form simply because it is time consuming, but convenience takes another hit from freebies in the form of spam email. Often, signing up for a freebie can land you on a spam email list, and for some people, getting tons of spam is so inconvenient that they would rather pay full price. The truth about all of these costs of freebies is that the freebie is in the eye of the beholder. You have to decide what you are willing to put up with in order to get a free product. Once you know the limits to your freebie costs, than you can cash in on some really great products that don’t cost you a dime. When you spend five minutes filling out a form and get rewarded with a free DVD player that you have been wanting, you will realize that there are free things out there to be had.

Publishing a Book is the Final Frontier (book publishing) Many authors begin their careers intending to publish a book. Book publishing is a difficult task to accomplish. It takes many months of work and extensive preparation. A book involves intricately woven ideas. A book is a project. In that project is contained many other projects. Most people are not prepared for the intensive process that is involved in creating a full, coherent book. If book publishing is something that you are interested in trying, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, writing a book is like nothing you have ever done before. It will take extensive and intensive work and development. It will also probably include much of everything you know, and more. Read on for more clarity. Uncharted Territory Book publishing is like a new land that has never been explored before. Of course, there are several book authors out there. They have been around for centuries. Unlike other areas of expertise though, book writing is not something that will be the same process for several different people. As you set out to write a book, you will be able to follow some basic guidelines, but getting your ideas from your head to the page will be an invention of your very own. Not only will you have to get the information onto the page, but you will have to write in a way that thousands or even millions of readers will be able to relate to and understand. Again, that will be a process that will take experimentation and trials. As you begin the process of writing your first book, as well as subsequent books, expect to work and rework. One Idea Is Not Enough Part of the reworking process is the changing of direction within the writing. Many beginning writers aspire to book publishing. They have an idea and vague plan to turn the idea into book. Picture your first grader telling you that she wants to write a book about horses. There is certainly enough information that people want to know about horses to fill several books, but the vague idea is not enough for an adult writer to create publishable work. To write a book, you will need to start with a topic. You may or may not be an expert on the subject. After you have the first vague ideas, you will need to start asking yourself questions. Answering those questions will hopefully lead you to more questions, and so on. Even if your original idea is completely unique and will lead you to write new information that the world does not yet have access to, you will need to add to that original idea for an intriguing finished product. If you are not an expert, or if you do not already know any new information, it will take even more time and effort in order to produce a unique piece of writing. Fiction is the same as non-fiction. Many stories have been told before. If you want to publish, you will need to come up with an engaging and new journey for your readers to take. Using Previously Published Work Now that we have covered the requirement for intricate and new ideas, there is also room in a book for old ideas. Your readers will need a starting place within your writing that is familiar and known. As you are putting together your ideas for a complete book, you will probably publish smaller pieces of work in magazines and newspapers. It is ok, as long as you cite yourself, to reuse some of that work. In that way, you can be publishing as you go along while still making progress towards your end goal in book publishing. After several months or even years, you will have poured out your effort and knowledge into a finally completed and whole book.

Copyright lawyer support service Things a Copyright Lawyer Support Service Covers There are a few things every copyright lawyer support service should cover and those are summaries of any cases that are currently ongoing. This is a way that the client and the copyright lawyer stay up-to-date and should something new come up they know all about it. You would have to be going up for an issue you think has only been ruled one way until last week, however if you were you would know because of the copyright lawyer support service would be right in front of you. In this you would find the court case and number, the day it was held, who the judge was and the representing attorneys plus a summary of what the case was actually about. See how much information a copyright lawyer support service gives you? Now you will know if it is a new lawyer or someone that you are already familiar with, which is good especially if you will be going up against them. A client or a lawyer may find themselves wanting to look into the archives of the copyright lawyer support service if one is available. There are always a ton of gems from the past that can help someone out, maybe there is a copyright case that others forgot about. This is when a lawyer would be able to quote the case number and know exactly what it was about and could share it with the others. There aren’t just one or two different copyright lawyer support service, no you can find just about as many as there are lawyers. Think of every one that has been to a court hearing, or that was ruled outside of court for years, plus the many that haven’t even gone forward yet. An entire firm may have one or a copyright lawyer that is working on their own. It doesn’t matter exactly who it is, only that they are there to support YOU. Another copyright lawyer support service may actually be that they are there to help you fill out an application, whether it is online or in their office. If you have questions call their help line or your lawyer and find out what you should do. Or you may just want to use the service to copy your copyright right there in front of you and not have to make an appointment to do it. These days copyright lawyer support service is getting much better and faster, due to the ever growing demand of their own services. A service may also include a list of recommended copyright lawyers as well as all the summaries of current cases. What better way to find the lawyer you need than to get one that is highly praised in a document that provides you with so much information. A lawyer will learn exactly what they need to do to help you if they read a copyright lawyer support service very carefully. They’ll barely have to do much research once this is in front of them, all they have to do is read the page and find out how the lawyer did it. Due to the internet changing so frequently so does copyright laws and the best way to keep up is by following along with the copyright lawyer support service. Sure they are there to support you but they are also there to support the lawyers. It is a great service for everyone involved but it won’t help a single person if you aren’t aware that it is out there.